laparoscopy chennai

Laparoscopy in Chennai

DFMC in Chennai is a famous women care center in Chennai, it has been achieved a handsome reputation in the area of Infertility treatments, DFMC provides best and effective reproductive medicine and it has best and expert doctors to handle the relevant departments. Laparoscopy in Chennai is one of the effective process provides under the powerful handlings of DFMC, headed by Dr. Aarasi Srivathsav and Dr. Keerthana Ashwin.

Every day large number of women is visiting the DFMC especially to consult with the mentioned expert doctors. Laparoscopy has different names as keyhole surgery and minimal access surgery etc, Dr. Keethana Ashwin is an expert doctor, she mainly handles the gynecology and pregnancy care department, she is the surgeon for laparoscopy the minimal access surgery.

Infertility can be reckon as one of the main health disorder conquered the women in cities, they eats much and less works, the technology and conveniences made women to become lazy at their home, they’re not keen to maintain their health and obviously no exercising habit. The result is nothing other than health issues, diseases and health disorders and infertility is the main problem in city women.

Laparoscopy is one of the effective processes frequently happens in DFMC. In south India, only a few hospitals are handling such minimal access surgeries and undoubted DFMC ensures 100% protective laparoscopy. A majority of Chennai families blindly believes in the treatment and curing capacity of Dr.Keerthana Ashwin and Dr. Arasi Srivathsan. There is no other women care center in Chennai is better than DFMC, it has the amazing facilities and features, obviously the women suffering with health disorders firmly believes in the dexterous capacity of the mentioned doctors.

The process laparoscopy in Chennai meaningfully copes up with DFMC, the minimal access surgery handles by Dr. Keerthana Ashwin is getting wide popularity all over south India and each and every day large number of patients suffering with physical health disorders joining the doctors, they experiences the expert treatment and curing.

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